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Fastest.Fish is a file transfer tool, born out of necessity.

A recurring issue that came up in every aspect of life has been how to transfer a file from one device to another and it got me thinking about possible solutions. As a result; Fastest.Fish was born with the goal of being the go to palce to transfer your files. After starting out as a peer to peer tool focusing on transfering large files it has grown to include hosted file transfers to cover a wider range of use cases.


Fastest.Fish file transfer techniques:

There are currently two techniques available for file transfers on Fastest.Fish, below we go into both of them in a bit more detail.

Peer to peer

Fastest Fish sets up a peer to peer connection between the file sender and the reciever. This means in most cases the file is being transfered direct between the two devices rather than through a server.

Using peer to peer to transfer your files means you can transfer large files without running a server with high bandwidth costs.

The direct connection also allows your devices to transfer files at the miximum speed that your networks can handle.

Pros and cons

Here are the pros and cons of using the peer to peer file transfer technique in more detail:

Unlimited file size

File size restrictions on hosted file transfers come from the expensive requirement for a huge amount of bandwidth (data being sent) through the server.

Fast transfer speed

Since peer to peer file transfers set up a direct connection between two users the transfer speed is as fast as their networks allow. The transfer speed is usually limited by the upload speeds on residential broadband.

Both parties must be present

Both the sender and the reciever need to be on the their corresponding webpage for the file transfer to go ahead so that we can setup a direct connection between the two clients to facilitate the file transfer.

This can be a bit tricky to arrange when you are not in direct contact with the reciever.

Experimental technology

The latest browser features are used to facilitate peer to peer file transfers, as a result there is a hightened chance of things going wrong. Some browsers may not implement the features required for peer to peer file transfers, this can lead to reduced capabilities or complete failure to function as intended.

Here is the current browser support table as of January 2019:

Chrome - Full support

Firefox - Partial support

Edge - Partial support

Internet Explorer - No support

Partial support refers to a limited file transfer size due to missing browser features.

Start a peer to peer file transfer

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